Our Diocesan Vision
Developing diverse and lay ordained leaders from the communities we serve
Piloting liberating models of leadership and ministry, especially in multi-parish benefices
Creating learning networks for lay and ordained leaders
Investing in our engagement with baptism families to spark an amazing adventure with Jesus Christ
Placing schools at the heart of our mission with creative connections between churches and schools
Encouraging new and courageous ways of worshipping, in different places, which connect with more people
Approaching the use, upkeep and future of our church buildings in bold and creative ways
Enabling people to discover new depths to prayer and spiritual growth, individually and together
Nurturing confident disciples to live out their faith seven days a week
Sharing our stories in new and different ways, including through digital media
Being advocates for human flourishing, through initatives which combat injustice, environmental destruction, exclusion and isolation
Using sport, music and art to build relationships and share the Christian faith
Connecting with new housing developments in innovative ways
Investing in people and programmes, which excite young people to explore and grow in faith